Legal notice

FIRST – WEBSITE OWNER This website is owned by ALFONSO JOSÉ ZAZO RODRIGUEZ (hereinafter, ALFONSO ZAZO) with ID number 43815691R, residing at CALLE CRUZ VERDE 21, FLOOR -1, LOCAL A. 38003. SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE. To contact ALFONSO ZAZO, you can use the postal address mentioned above, as well as the email address

SECOND – PURPOSE OF THE WEBSITE ALFONSO ZAZO provides information and data (hereinafter CONTENTS and/or SERVICES) through an informative website to the public (hereinafter the user) who accesses this website. The content is provided and created by us.

Given the nature of the website, its content, and purpose, browsing through it can be done without the need to register. However, in these cases, ALFONSO ZAZO also aims to comply with legal obligations and regulate its use. Therefore, users accept that by accessing the page, they are subject to these General Conditions, to the extent applicable.

ALFONSO ZAZO reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and/or configuration of the website, as well as these General Conditions. Changes may be included given the nature of the website.

Therefore, since every user (registered or not) assumes that these General Conditions will apply to them according to the content that is valid at the time of their access, they are obliged to check and be aware of them each time they access. ALFONSO ZAZO recommends reading them with each access to the website.

THIRD – ACCESS TO THE WEBSITE Accessing and using this website does not imply any obligation regarding the quality and speed of access by ALFONSO ZAZO, who may, without prior notice, suspend or modify access conditions, both to the entire website and part of it. The exercise of these powers will in no case imply responsibility for the consequences, damages, and harms caused by it.

The hardware and software necessary to access the website will be the responsibility of the users, so ALFONSO ZAZO will not be responsible for their operation or any other event derived from it; nor for the usage rights or licenses required for their use.

Similarly, ALFONSO ZAZO will not be responsible for any anomalies, malfunctions, deterioration, deletion of data, or software that may occur in the equipment or systems of users, as a direct or indirect consequence of accessing or attempting to access the website.

The service provided by ALFONSO ZAZO through its website is indefinite, without prejudice to being able to suspend or cancel it without prior notice.

FOURTH – CORRECT USE OF SERVICES The user undertakes to use the services diligently, correctly, and lawfully. In particular, and without limiting effects, they undertake to refrain from:

  • Using the services in a way, for purposes, or with effects contrary to the law, morality, and generally accepted good customs or public order.
  • Reproducing, copying, distributing, allowing public access through any means of public communication, transforming, or modifying the services unless authorised by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Committing any act that may be considered a violation of any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to ALFONSO ZAZO or third parties.
  • Using the services and information obtained through the website to send advertising, commercial communications contrary to the purpose of the website, as well as unsolicited messages directed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, and marketing or disseminating such information in any way.

The user will be responsible for damages and losses of any kind that ALFONSO ZAZO or the name of ALFONSO ZAZO may suffer on the occasion or as a consequence of the breach of any of the aforementioned obligations, as well as any others included in these General Conditions and/or imposed by the Law regarding the use of the website.

ALFONSO ZAZO, as the owner of the website, will ensure at all times compliance with the current legal regulations and will be authorised to interrupt, at its sole discretion, both the service and even exclude the user from the website in the event of the alleged commission, total or partial, of any of the crimes typified in the current Penal Code, as well as if it observes behaviors that, in its opinion, are contrary to these General Conditions, the General Conditions of Contracting that apply to this website, the Law, the rules established by ALFONSO ZAZO or its collaborators, or may disturb its proper functioning, image, credibility, and/or prestige.

FIFTH – INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS All contents of the website, such as texts, graphics, photographs, logos, icons, images, as well as the graphic design, source code, and software, belong to ALFONSO ZAZO or, where appropriate, third parties whose rights are legitimately held. In both cases, they are protected by national and international legislation.

The use of all elements of industrial and intellectual property for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited, as well as their distribution, modification, alteration, or decompilation.

Claims that users may file regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights related to any of the services of this website must be addressed to the following email address:

SIXTH – USER-GENERATED CONTENT ALFONSO ZAZO provides various forms and means of participation for all users of the website to encourage conversation and information exchange. Its goal is to remain open and accessible to anyone as long as basic rules of coexistence and respect are followed.

Therefore, all users undertake not to use these sections for any purpose prohibited by these Terms of Use. Each user is responsible for all activity related to the service. Additionally, they must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, both national and international, and, if the user represents a company, advertising, marketing, privacy, or other self-regulation codes applicable to their industry. They must also:

  1. Comply with the terms and conditions of these Terms of Service, Community Standards, and all local, national, and international laws.
  2. Not impersonate another person or organisation; otherwise, it may constitute a crime under the Penal Code or other violations of Spanish legal regulations.
  3. Not use disrespectful and offensive language. Messages with threats, serious insults, or any other type of comment that may offend the sensibilities of other users will not be accepted. In such cases, ALFONSO ZAZO, as the owner of the website, reserves the right to remove any content that violates this condition.
  4. Not interfere with functions related to the security of the service that prevent or limit the use or copying of any content. In addition, the use of this website as a means to organise attacks or spam on any other type of services is strictly prohibited. Such content will be deleted along with the accounts that carried out such actions.

Service administrators have the right to delete or edit any content and/or user account that violates any of the rules and obligations described in these legal terms or may be considered inappropriate by ALFONSO ZAZO.

SEVENTH – EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY The present legal notice is governed in all its aspects by Spanish legislation. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from access to the Website, the user and the Holder expressly agree to submit themselves to the courts and tribunals of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may correspond to them.